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Growing Student Resilience Through Discussion and Interactive Online Resources

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Presented by:

Leslie Cizmas, Texas A&M School of Public Health

Key Statement:

A framework is presented for helping students grow their resiliency, using a combination of “Growth Mindset”, self-compassion, and Mental Health America’s online resiliency materials.


Resiliency, Growth Mindset, Self-Compassion


A class poll of over 100 undergraduate students found their most preferred method for obtaining mental wellness information was through written materials available online. Interactive materials focusing on student resiliency were compiled using a combination of Dr. Dweck’s Growth Mindset materials, Dr. Neff’s Self-Compassion materials, and Mental Health America’s 10 Tools for Resiliency. These were discussed with students, and put on the course’s Learning Management System website for students’ continued use. Student comments during the class discussion indicated they recognized the value of engaging with these materials to develop resiliency as an academic and life skill.

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Growing Student Resilience Through Discussion and Interactive Online ResourcesLeslie Cizmas, Texas A&M School of Public Health
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Growing Student Resilience Through Discussion and Interactive Online Resources
Leslie Cizmas, PhD., M.E.M.
Texas A&M School of Public Health
Howdy! My name is Leslie Cizmas, and I am an instructor at the Texas A&M School of Public Health. My
poster addresses the topic of student resiliency & self-care.
Many students are currently experiencing issues that affect their academic performance and/or
wellbeing. Institutions of higher education often have a variety of mental health resources for students,
but students may not be aware of the array of resiliency and self-care resources that are offered, or the
benefits of engaging with these resources.
At Texas A&M, the homepage of the Learning Management System, Canvas, has a new Mental Health
button that leads students to a wide array of mental health and wellness resources. Instructors can
highlight these resources during the course introduction, particularly resources that might have wide
appeal such as resources for managing anxiety, academic success, and resiliency. Faculty can also
highlight links to specific wellness resources on their individual course websites, and discuss these with
students as appropriate during the semester. I have found that the Growth Mindset, Self-Compassion,
and Resiliency materials are particularly relevant.
In my public health class, undergraduate students appreciated learning about the mental health and
wellness resources available through Canvas. Emphasizing these resources during courses can normalize
discussions of mental wellness, and encourage students to use resiliency and self-care materials.


1- Describe experimental and hands-on teaching in computer architecture
2- Explain the benefits of hands-on learning for a complex topic such as computer architecture.
3- Assess student success and summarize student attitudes and outcomes related to concept-understanding, self-learning, retention and teamwork.

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