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Portraiture Education: Utilization of Personal Artifacts in Teaching Leadership

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Presented by:

Christopher Dignam, Governors State University

Key Statement:

When those who lead, teach, and learn are inspired, a community of practice is formed. Explore the use of digital exemplars in leadership education!


Instructional Leadership, Reflective Learning, Communities of Practice


Portraiture is a relatively new research methodology that includes aspects of narration, ethnography, and phenomenology for examining the shared experiences of individuals. Portraiture education employs personal artifacts via a digital storyteller’s online canvas for presenting authentic educational experiences. Narration and exemplar artifacts are illustrated and examined for exploring innovative curricular design, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, and the conditions required for creating a community of practice that supports all learners. The experiences presented resulted in the creation and establishment of welcoming, innovative learning environments that consider the social, emotional needs of learners, and provide multiple modalities for learning.

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Portraiture Education: Utilization of Personal Artifacts in Teaching LeadershipChristopher Dignam, Governors State University
00:00 / 01:26



Portraiture Education: Utilization of Personal Artifacts in Teaching Leadership

Leadership development is a key collegiate outcome for both undergraduate and
graduate students. A digital environment can help facilitate students' leadership
development. In an effort to provide a forum and a medium to present leadership
exemplars, I created a digital environment, Portraiture Education, for presenting
artifacts narrating instructional leadership development and design. I assembled
authentic artifacts over the course of my near 30 years as an educational and
instructional leader that detail educational experiences that serve as educational
models. This poster mirrors the online learning space I created for examining
portraits of meaningful learning through discovery and the conditions required to
stir the natural curiosities of learners. The utilization of authentic artifacts
detailing instructional design, engaging community, and leading for all provides
instructors and educational leaders with a storyteller’s canvas for inspiring
improved leading, teaching, and learning.

Lessons and best practices in utilization of digital artifacts in leadership education
are shared via the poster presentation. The experiences presented resulted in
the creation and establishment of welcoming, innovative learning environments
that consider the social, emotional needs of learners, and provide multiple
modalities for learning.


1- Describe experimental and hands-on teaching in computer architecture
2- Explain the benefits of hands-on learning for a complex topic such as computer architecture.
3- Assess student success and summarize student attitudes and outcomes related to concept-understanding, self-learning, retention and teamwork.

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