2020 Session Handouts
Presenters from the sessions listed here have chosen to upload copies of their materials. Sessions are listed in alphabetical order of the first presenter.
Presenters may email their materials to laura@lillyconferences.com to be included below.
Positive Emotions from Presenting "This I Believe" Essays
Nelson Adams
- Handout
A Professor, a Guitar, and a Microphone: Engaging Students Through Podcasting
Robert Allare
- Handout
The Point of PowerPoint Is to Use All Its Power
Mick Charney
- Handout
Innovative Case Study Strategies: Engaging and Motivating Learners
Karen Clancy
- Handout
Artists in Society
Christine D'Onofrio
- Handout
Student Learning Communities: Using Live Videocalls and Texting to Create Engagement in Online Courses
Amber Dailey-Hebert and Linda Passamaneck
- Handout
Teaching Generation Z: What the Data Tells Us and How We Can Use It in the Classroom
Mary Dixson
Engaging Students and Faculty with Diversity Circles
Lynn Eaton and Todd Ferguson
- Handout
Plenary Presentation: Distill Your Slides
Norman Eng
Educational Technology Made Easy: How to Use what is Around you to Promote Engagement
Kirsty Gaither and Brittany Williams
- Handout
- Presentation Slides
- Room Resources
Podcasts in the Classroom: Teach Your Students to Make Radio Stories
Diana Galarreta-Aima
- Handout
Incivility and Job Turnover in Newly Licensed Registered Nurses
Sarah Garcia-Portillo
How to Get Your Students to Come to Class Prepared
Bob Gillette
"The Rest of the Story..." Connecting Core Concepts to News Stories
Jennifer Griffith
Does Learning Mode Affect Student Grades in Elementary Statistics courses
John Griffith, Bobby McMasters, and Emily Faulconer
- Handout
Purposeful Pedagogies: Teaching Philosophies of High Quality, Student-Centered Educators
Paige Haber-Curran & Shannon Dean-Scott
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Preparing Future Faculty for Ensuring Equitable Learning
Robert Hill and Nancy Rugger
Mentorship in the Academy: Supporting Faculty Development
Dana Holcomb
Engaging Students in Note-Taking Through Graphic Organizers During Lecture
Kelly Hollingsworth and Barbara Elliot
- Handout
Learning by Action through the use of Technology
LaTonya Hughes
- Presentation Slides
Dynamic Classroom Dialogue: Can Students be
Engaged Beyond Discussion?
Roxanne Long
- Handout
Higher Order Teaching: Preparing Future Faculty to Be Effective Educators
Kathy Mangano and Jessica Peacock
Alternative and Innovative Exams
Luci Parmer
Signature Course Stories: Revamping the Core Curriculum Chapter by Chapter
Patricia Moran Micks and Lori Holleran Steiker
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Can We Teach Empathy? Pedagogical Grappling with a Slippery Concept
Christopher Richmann and Felicia Osburn
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A Model for Inclusion: Adopting a Strategic Framework for Implementing Inclusive Teaching Practices
Inara Scott
Transforming the Village, Partnering for Student Success
Amy Simons
- Handout
Guided Imagery for First Generation Students and the Prevention of Impostor Phenomenon
Lisa Skeens
- Presentation Slides
Using Student-Created Poetry to Build Community
Laura Slay, Jacqueline Riley, and Carol Revelle
Build Your 21st Century Toolbox: Meet Students Where They Are and Take Them Where You Want Them to Go
Marla Thompson
Needs Assessment for Retention of African American Students in College
Joyce Tolofari
- Handout
Helping Our Students to Become Better Procrastinators
Katherine Troyer
Learning Reinforced by Engagement, Discovery and Reflection
Felix Villarreal
- Handout
Bringing place-based pedagogical strategies into asynchronous, geographically distributed online classes.
Corrie Whitmore
- Handout
How to Help Your Students to be Better Learners
Brittany Williams, Kirsty Gaither, and Christina Cuka
A Rural Land Grant University Instructors’ Perceptions about Students with Disabilities
D.J. Yocom
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